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You only make one first impression. The most successful massage therapists and spas understand the importance of a long-term client. You may often wonder why a client tried your service once and never came back. Was it the location, the price, too much small talk, not enough small talk, the massage itself? Did you relieve all their stress and pain? Sometimes you may never know – but there are several things you can do to improve your retention.
Client loyalty expert Fred Reichheld estimates that a 5% boost in customer retention increases profits by 25% and overall growth by 100% across all businesses.
Here are five different strategies to “massage” your client retention:
1. Massage Match
You don’t want to give a great massage, you want to give each client the best (customized) massage. How well do you know the exact massage preferences of your client? Many will ask where is the pain, what’s bothering them. You may learn they like deep pressure.
How deep are you asking questions and understanding their perfect massage?
Make sure to ask your clients how much pressure they want.
Ask if they prefer more touch or less touch in specific areas (several clients have have unique preferences about their feet, head or face)?
Discover if your clients prefer more or less small talk. Some clients seem to want a massage therapist, a personal therapist and a new best friend, while other clients want complete peace and quiet. Have you ever asked your client to describe his or her perfect massage?
Asking deeper questions may give you more insight on what each of your clients’ prioritize.
2. Optimize Your Environment
Environment can play an important role if a client chooses to come back. As recommended by L.M.T Success Group, a Massage Therapy Continuing Education provider, are you effectively tapping into all five senses?
Sight: Is your establishment visually appealing? Warm colors and a clean environment can help clients feel relaxed before their massage.
Sound: Soothing music can help people relax. You may also include a wide variety of music genres – and ask your clients preference.
Smell: Sweet smells of candles and essential oils can help put your client in a sweet state of mind.
Touch: Not only do you want your sheets smelling fresh, but a soft pillow and an extra mattress can make your client feel like royalty.
Taste: A glass of wine, fresh fruit, mint, naturally flavored water can all enhance the overall experience. Simple inexpensive added value treats and your clients will have an appetite to come visit you again.
3. Prioritize Customer Service
You could technically be the best massage therapist in your area, but if you don’t connect and build rapport with your client, they may never come back. You not only want to make a great first impression, but also stay close to each client.
Always answer phones quickly and politely – make sure every staff member is consistent, professional and friendly.
Always ask each client how they are doing and offer a bottle of water when they first enter.
Always say thank you, call them by their name and that you appreciate their business.
4. Build Rapport
The stronger the relationship with your clients the more they will come back and less likely they will go somewhere else. Here are some basics to learn about your client:
Kids, Pets
Sports, Hobbies
5. Beef Up Your Marketing
It is no secret that in today’s competitive massage marketplace, you sometimes have to shout to get noticed. Increase your chances of repeat customers with these important marketing tactics.

